Progress & Accomplishments

UAS Lidar and photogrammetry survey at Teller site, Alaska.

Successfully acquired LiDAR and photogrammetry data at centimeter resolution of the NGEE-Arctic Teller research site using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)

Modeling ground temperature dynamics across the Seward Peninsula

Data assimilation of the historical temperature observations is completed.

Coupled land surface-subsurface hydrogeophysical inverse modeling to estimate soil organic carbon content and explore associated hydrological and thermal dynamics in an Arctic tundra ecosystem

We develop and test a joint deterministic–stochastic inversion approach that can take advantage of time-lapse electrical resistivity and other data.

Microtopography determines how active layer depths respond to changes in temperature and precipitation at the NGEE-Arctic BEO sites

We applied a well-tested three-dimensional coupled biogeochemistry, hydrology, vegetation, and thermal model (ecosys) to polygonal tundra sites to quantify and scale the effects of microtopography on active layer depths.

Impacts of microtopographic snow-redistribution and lateral subsurface processes on hydrologic and thermal states in an Arctic polygonal ground ecosystem: Development and testing in the E3SM Land Model

The NGEE-Arctic and E3SM Land Model (ELM) groups recognize the importance of 3-dimensional processes, so we developed an ELM version that includes thermal and hydrological dynamics to investigate these processes at the BEO.

PeRL: A circum-Arctic permafrost region pond and lake database

A newly published database of permafrost zone waterbodies with better than 5 m resolution will improve next-generation land model representations of high-latitude hydrology and biogeochemistry.

The differential free energy of activation in the transition state of Michaelis-Menten-Monod enzymatic reactions

A classical thermodynamic theory was extended to better characterize microbial process for integration with next generation land models.

A global trait-based approach to estimate leaf nitrogen functional allocation from observations

Motivated by the strong N limitations in high-latitude systems, a comprehensive global analysis of nitrogen allocation in leaves was developed for integration in ESM-scale land models.

Zero power warming (ZPW) experiment started

We started a replicated (n=5 chambers) warming experiment in Barrow, AK. The experiment uses solar radiation to warm vegetation and will enable us to understand thermal acclimation of respiration and photosynthesis in Arctic vegetation.

Scientists Gather for NGEE Arctic All-Hands Meeting

Participants, guests, and partners in the NGEE Arctic project met at the PARC 55 Hotel in San Francisco to review progress and accomplishments, and outline plans for the coming year.