A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata

A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata

September 13th, 2021
NGEE Arctic investigators and others provide “best practices” on data and metadata from field gas-exchange measurements.
The Objective: 

Given the value of leaf gas exchange data to model parameterization and synthesis, develop reporting format to provide guidance on how to store data in repositories to maximize their discoverability, facilitate their efficient reuse, and add value to individual data sets.

New Science: 

Extensive consultation with data collectors, data users, instrument manufacturers, and data scientists was undertaken to ensure that the reporting format met community needs.

The importance of properly reporting data and metadata, and associated cyberinfrastructure, was emphasized.

The Impact: 

The study enhanced the value of data and provides metadata that will simplify analysis and synthesis.

The format published in the ESS-DIVE data repository, with documentation and future development efforts being maintained in a version control system.

Relationships between gas exchange measurements and the components of this data and metadata reporting format. Data tables, methods metadata, instrument details and the complete instrument output are required to be included in a data package.